Checking if a blob exists in Azure Storage Checking if a blob exists in Azure Storage azure azure

Checking if a blob exists in Azure Storage

The new API has the .Exists() function call. Just make sure that you use the GetBlockBlobReference, which doesn't perform the call to the server. It makes the function as easy as:

public static bool BlobExistsOnCloud(CloudBlobClient client,     string containerName, string key){     return client.GetContainerReference(containerName)                  .GetBlockBlobReference(key)                  .Exists();  }

Note: This answer is out of date now. Please see Richard's answer for an easy way to check for existence

No, you're not missing something simple... we did a good job of hiding this method in the new StorageClient library. :)

I just wrote a blog post to answer your question:

The short answer is: use CloudBlob.FetchAttributes(), which does a HEAD request against the blob.

Seem lame that you need to catch an exception to test it the blob exists.

public static bool Exists(this CloudBlob blob){    try    {        blob.FetchAttributes();        return true;    }    catch (StorageClientException e)    {        if (e.ErrorCode == StorageErrorCode.ResourceNotFound)        {            return false;        }        else        {            throw;        }    }}