ClientAuthError: Token calls are blocked in hidden iframes ClientAuthError: Token calls are blocked in hidden iframes azure azure

ClientAuthError: Token calls are blocked in hidden iframes


enum Scopes {  OPEN_ID = 'openid',  CUSTOM_SCOPE = 'api://XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXX/all',  USER_READ = 'User.Read',}const config = {  auth: {    clientId: 'XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX', // clientId or appId    redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000',         // redirectUri    authority: undefined,                         // Optional  },  cache: {    cacheLocation: 'localStorage',    storeAuthStateInCookie: true,  },}const {  AuthProvider,   // Use once!  getAccessToken, // Can use to inject access tokens elsewhere in your app  msalClient,     // Use elsewhere for msalClient.logout() and other client functions  graphClient,    // Use for graph client api calls  useAccount,     // React Hook to give access to account info in child components} = configureMsal({  config,                                                // Required  msalScopes: [Scopes.OPEN_ID, Scopes.CUSTOM_SCOPE],     // Optional (But Recommended)  graphClientScopes: [                                   // Optional (But Recommended    Scopes.USER_READ,  ],})const App = () => (  <AuthProvider    render={({ state, account }) =>      state === AuthProviderState.Success ? (        <div>Logged in as {account.username} </div>      ) : (        <div>Loading..</div>      )    }  />);