Cosmos DB Graph Edge partitioning Cosmos DB Graph Edge partitioning azure azure

Cosmos DB Graph Edge partitioning

I will start by clearing a slight misconception you have regarding CosmosDB partitioning. 100 Million users doesn’t mean 100 million partitions. They simply mean 100 million partition keys. When you create a cosmos dB graph it starts with 10 physical partitions ( this is starting default which can be changed upon request), and then scales automatically as data grows.

In this case 100 million users will be distributed among 10 physical partitions. Hence the full cross partition query will hit on 10 physical partition. Also note that these partitions will be hit in parallel, so the expected latency would be similar to hitting one partition, unless operation is similar to aggregates in nature.

This is a classic partitioning dilemma, not unique to Cosmos/Graph.

If your usage pattern is lots of queries with small scope then cross-partition is bad. If it is returning large data sets then cross-partition overhead is probably insignificant against the benefits of parallelism. Unless you have a constant high volume of queries then I think the cross-partition overhead is overstated (MS seem to think everyone is building the next Facebook on Cosmos).

In the OP case you can optimise for x follows y, or x is followed by y, or both by having an edge each way. Note that RUs are reserved on a per partition basis (i.e. total RU / number of partitions) so to use them efficiently you need either high volume, evenly distributed, single partition queries or queries that span multiple partitions.