Could not verify the copy source within the specified time. RequestId: (blank) Could not verify the copy source within the specified time. RequestId: (blank) azure azure

Could not verify the copy source within the specified time. RequestId: (blank)

From your description, you're trying to copy Block Blob from source account to Page Blob in destination account, which is not supported in Azure Storage Service and AzCopy.

To work around it, you can firstly use AzCopy to download the Block Blobs from source account to local file system, and then upload them from local file system to destination account with option /BlobType:Page (this option is only valid when uploading from local to blob).

Premium Storage only supports page blobs. Please confirm that you are copying page blobs from standard to premium storage account. Also, specify the BlobType parameter to "page" in order to copy the data as page blobs into destination premium storage account.

From the description, I am assuming your source blob is a block blob. Azure's "Async Copy Blob" process (which is used by AzCopy as the default method) preserves the blob type. That is, you cannot convert a blob type from Block to Page through async copy blob.

Instead, can you try AzCopy again with "/SyncCopy" option along with "/BlobType:page" parameter? That might help change the destination blob type to Page.

(If that doesn't work, only other solution would be to first download the blob, and then upload it with "/BlobType:page")