Debugging TCP/IP Port Exhaustion in an Azure WebApp Debugging TCP/IP Port Exhaustion in an Azure WebApp azure azure

Debugging TCP/IP Port Exhaustion in an Azure WebApp

This could possibly be solved by updating your Ravendb instance! Read more here:

From changelog, release 3.0.30100:

Fixed UDP port leak in licensing component

also this, from 3.0.30115:

[Major] [Prefetching] Fixed memory leak that could lead into slowness of the server under heavy load impacting indexing and replication mechanisms

And some useful knowledge on Azure services and availability of ports:

In short, the issues goes for async calls where the UDP reply packet for whatever reason is dropped/lost. Before the issue was solved, this would mean an async call that keeps listening for the response until e.g. a crash or iisreset.

We are rolling out the upgrade to try to fix our instance of the same issue within the next 24 hours, but I thought I would reply right away, so you might be able to test too if this is indeed your problem.

I will get back to this post to confirm that the issue will go away - only way to know for sure is to update Ravendb and wait and see for a week or two.