Dependency warning (WAT150) when deploying Azure project Dependency warning (WAT150) when deploying Azure project azure azure

Dependency warning (WAT150) when deploying Azure project

For future visitors looking for solutions to the WAT150 error on assemblies they depend on, I found my warnings to be caused by assembly references set with Copy local = true to not actually copy the DLLs to the bin folder if the DLL is in the GAC. Read more about it here and here. Deleting the DLLs from the GAC solved the problem

Try rebuilding the Azure deployment project with your MSBuild settings set to "normal" or above. This should show what references can't be resolved.

In Visual Studio, choose Tools | Options, then Projects and Solutions / Build and Run. Set the "MSBuild project build output verbosity" to at least Normal.

This should help by creating much more trace output from MSBuild, and help you see where the missing references are being picked up.