Deploying Bitbucket to Azure Web Site: add private nuget package server Deploying Bitbucket to Azure Web Site: add private nuget package server azure azure

Deploying Bitbucket to Azure Web Site: add private nuget package server

You can add a custom NuGet.config file at the same level as your .SLN file.

You can then make the following modifications (assuming that your private feed requires authentication, create a set of credentials which only are used for this site):

<activePackageSource>  <add key="All" value="(Aggregate source)" /></activePackageSource><packageSources>  <add key="" value="" />  <add key="custom_package_source" value="https://custom_package_source/nuget/v1/FeedService.svc/" /></packageSources><disabledPackageSources /><packageSourceCredentials>  <custom_package_source>    <add key="Username" value="CustomUsername" />    <add key="ClearTextPassword" value="CustomPassword" />  </custom_package_source></packageSourceCredentials>

When you deploy via Kudu, this should allow the build process to discover your private feed, authenticate & restore your packages.

If you do not require authentication against your private feed, remove the <packageSourceCredentials> element.