Fastest way to insert 100,000+ records into DocumentDB Fastest way to insert 100,000+ records into DocumentDB azure azure

Fastest way to insert 100,000+ records into DocumentDB

The fastest way to insert documents into Azure DocumentDB. is available as a sample on Github:

The following tips will help you achieve the best througphput using the .NET SDK:

  • Initialize a singleton DocumentClient
  • Use Direct connectivity and TCP protocol (ConnectionMode.Direct and ConnectionProtocol.Tcp)
  • Use 100s of Tasks in parallel (depends on your hardware)
  • Increase the MaxConnectionLimit in the DocumentClient constructor to a high value, say 1000 connections
  • Turn gcServer on
  • Make sure your collection has the appropriate provisioned throughput (and a good partition key)
  • Running in the same Azure region will also help

With 10,000 RU/s, you can insert 100,000 documents in about 50 seconds (approximately 5 request units per write).

With 100,000 RU/s, you can insert in about 5 seconds. You can make this as fast as you want to, by configuring throughput (and for very high # of inserts, spread inserts across multiple VMs/workers)

EDIT: You can now use the bulk executor library at, 7/12/19

The Cosmos Db team have just released a bulk import and update SDK, unfortunately only available in Framework 4.5.1 but this apparently does a lot of the heavy lifting for you and maximize use of throughput. see

Cosmos DB SDK has been updated to allow bulk insert: via the AllowBulkExecution option.