How can i send an Email using PHP at windows Azure? How can i send an Email using PHP at windows Azure? azure azure

How can i send an Email using PHP at windows Azure?

To send emails using PHP you have a few options:

Option 1: Use SMTP

You'll need to modify your php.ini configuration file ( and set the SMTP value to an external SMTP server you can use. SMTP servers are not part of the Windows Azure features at the moment.

[mail function]SMTP =

Option 2: Use sendmail

You'll need to modify your php.ini configuration file ( and set the sendmail_path value to the sendmail executable.

[mail function]sendmail_path = "C:\wamp\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t"

Since sendmail doesn't exist in Windows, you'll need to use the fake sendmail for windows:

Option 3: Use a mail/smtp service

You could use a service like SendGrid to send your emails (they have an offer for Azure users: They'll take care of sending out the email, you'll just need to call the REST api:

$sendgrid = new SendGrid('username', 'password');$mail = new SendGridMail();$mail->addTo('')->       setFrom('')->       setSubject('Subject goes here')->       setText('Hello World!')->       setHtml('<strong>Hello World!</strong>');$sendgrid->smtp->send($mail);

I had never done PHP, but the following guide was step by step and incredibly easy to get working.

Hope it helps someone.

email-Id ?? what is this?I'm guessing it is the email address of the recipient.

Your headers do not require the To: as the to address is specified in the first parameter.Unless you know the recipient's name and want him to see email was sent to: Some Name not just you do not need that.Also you have an error in it: missing <> before and after the email address.

P.S. Emails sent through PHP's mail() function have one of the highest rates of ending up in SPAM, especially if you do not have Domain Keys and SPF set in your DNS for this.If using Cpanel please refer to Email Authentication section of your Email group in Cpanel.