How can view the swagger ui for Azure API app How can view the swagger ui for Azure API app azure azure

How can view the swagger ui for Azure API app

In the configuration of your WebAPI project (SwaggerConfig.cs in the folder App_Start), you have to enable the Swagger UI. It is commented out as default behavior.

Just open the configuration, search for:

                /*                    })                .EnableSwaggerUi(c =>                    {                */

and disable the comments in the lines above and under it

Pedro, above, has provided a perfect answer for enabling SwaggerUi.As for your question regarding the URL "swagger/docs/v1"

This is the default URL used by Swashbuckle to return Swagger 2.0 JSON metadata for the API

The SwaggerConfig.cs file is created when you install the Swashbuckle package in a project. You can find it in the folder "App_Start" . It provides a number of ways to configure Swashbuckle. I haven't checked if you can change that default URL or do URL rerouting for it.


The default route templates for the Swagger docs and swagger-ui are "swagger/docs/{apiVersion}" and "swagger/ui/{*assetPath}" respectively. You can change these so long as the provided templates include the relevant route parameters - {apiVersion} and {*assetPath}.For example: the URL to swagger-ui will be myswag/index.

httpConfiguration .EnableSwagger("docs/{apiVersion}/swagger", c => c.SingleApiVersion("v1", "A title for your API"))


You can read more about it here in the GitHub repo:

If you are creating API using Template Azure API App in visual studio, you just need to un-comment few lines from SwaggerConfig.cs file to activate Swagger for your API application.

  1. In your solution look for the file 'SwaggerConfig.cs'

    'VSSolution' > App_Start > SwaggerConfig.cs

  2. Look for EnableSwaggerUi and remove comments for below line of code

                /*                })            .EnableSwaggerUi(c =>                {            */
  3. That's it, No Other Configuration Required.

    Just run the application :http://localhost:57452/swagger