How do I get my Azure DevOps Pipeline build to fail when my linting script returns an error? How do I get my Azure DevOps Pipeline build to fail when my linting script returns an error? azure azure

How do I get my Azure DevOps Pipeline build to fail when my linting script returns an error?

this means your script "swallows" the exit code and exits normally. you need to add a check to your script that would catch the exit code of your npm run lint and exit with the same exit code, something like:

- script: |    npm install    npm run lint # Mapped to `eslint src` in package.json    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then        exit 1    fi    npm run slint # `stylelint src` in package.json    npm run build

You could also use an npm task. The default is to fail the build when there is an error. I had the same problem and the below worked for me:

- task: Npm@1  displayName: 'Lint'  inputs:    command: 'custom'    customCommand: 'run lint'

From the documentation for tasks:

- task: string  # reference to a task and version, e.g. "VSBuild@1"  condition: expression     # see below  continueOnError: boolean  # 'true' if future steps should run even if this step fails; defaults to 'false'  enabled: boolean          # whether or not to run this step; defaults to 'true'  timeoutInMinutes: number  # how long to wait before timing out the task

Neither approach above worked for my specific scenario (windows build agent, wanted to run a custom linting script, didn't want to use a script in package.json)

If you just throw an error from a node script, the pipeline treats it as a failed step.

pipelines yml:

  - script: 'node lint-my-stuff'    displayName: 'Lint my stuff'


// run eslint, custom checks, whateverif (/* conditions aren't met */)  throw new Error('Lint step failed')console.log('Lint passed')