How do I report a bug in Windows Server Service Bus? How do I report a bug in Windows Server Service Bus? azure azure

How do I report a bug in Windows Server Service Bus?

I know it's a late answer to the question and it is actually not the answer to the question asked, but today, after installing VS 2015 RC on a PC with Windows Service Bus 1.1 and restarting the PC, my service bus gateway service stopped working and I went through all the pain described in this question but finally could make a solution out of the fake assembly scenario. Here's the solution:

  1. Created the fake assembly Microsoft.Cloud.Common.AzureStorage.dll with version and signed it with a new key file.
  2. Disassembled it using: ildasm /all / Microsoft.Cloud.Common.AzureStorage.dll
  3. Extracted the public key and public key token from another Microsoft.Cloud.* assembly located in service bus folder by ildasm /Tp Microsoft.Cloud.Common.Diagnostics.dll
  4. Opened in a text editor and changed the public-key token and public key with the ones extracted in the last step
  5. Reassembled the il file: ilasm /dll /out=Microsoft.Cloud.Common.AzureStorage.dll
  6. Registered the assembly for signature verification skipping using: sn -Vr Microsoft.Cloud.Common.AzureStorage.dll
  7. Installed the resulting assembly to GAC: gacutil /i Microsoft.Cloud.Common.AzureStorage.dll

and it finally worked. Hope this helps anyone who got stuck in this problem.

As given in this answer by Jafin there is fortunately an official fix from Microsoft release 10/23/2015 that solves the issue with .NET 4.6.

Download here: Update for Service Bus Server 1.1 (KB3086798)

as I understand what you need is reporting a bug to Microsoft, and I found out you need to report a bug to Microsoft. Its good to know microsoft will aapriceate users who report bugs.

According to Microsoft answer you can reporting Microsfot bugs here:

note: You must have an microsoft account, you can make it at

And I know some of microsoft products are not there like

First go to :


Step 1: Write the program what you like to report a bug about it, and then click on join.

Step 2: Click on continue.

Step 3: Make up your profile.

Step 4: Click on feedback.

Step 5: Write the bug title on text box at the end of page.

Step 6: Then click on submit feedback

Step 7: Now you can write the problem and tell Microsoft about this bug.