How to add Azure AD user to Azure DevOps organisation programmatically How to add Azure AD user to Azure DevOps organisation programmatically azure azure

How to add Azure AD user to Azure DevOps organisation programmatically

You can do it with User Entitlements - Add Rest API:


Example of the json body:

{  "accessLevel": {    "accountLicenseType": "express"  },  "extensions": [    {      "id": "ms.feed"    }  ],  "user": {    "principalName": "",    "subjectKind": "user"  },  "projectEntitlements": [    {      "group": {        "groupType": "projectContributor"      },      "projectRef": {        "id": "e5943a98-a842-4001-bd3b-06e756a7dfac"      }    }  ]}

You can use the User Entitlements - Add API as Shayki mentioned, however, I would like to share the code I used with Azure function to do the same,

public static async Task<string> AddUserEntitlment(            [ActivityTrigger] VSTSIntegrationContext vstsIntegrationContext,            ILogger log        )        {            try            {                var accountName = vstsIntegrationContext.VstsInstance;                string Url = string.Format(@"https://{0}"                            , vstsIntegrationContext.VstsInstance);                var content = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(                    new                    {                        accessLevel = new                        {                            accountLicenseType = "express"                        },                        user = new                        {                            principalName = vstsIntegrationContext.Email,                            subjectKind = "user"                        }                    });                    log.LogInformation("===========PAT: vstsIntegrationContext.VstsPAT");                var response = await VSTSHelpers.CallVSTSAPI(vstsIntegrationContext.VstsInstance, vstsIntegrationContext.VstsPAT, Url, "POST", content);                log.LogInformation("====response:" + response);                response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode();                                dynamic data = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<object>();                return data.operationResult.userId;            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                log.LogError(ex.ToString());                throw;            }        }

Powershell script

function Add-UserEntitlement {    [OutputType([int])]    Param    (        [String]$userEmail,        [String]$projAccessLevel,        [String]$projId    )    Begin {        $creds = Import-Clixml -Path creds.xml        [string]$AccName = $creds.AccountName        [string]$userName = $creds.UserName        [string]$vstsToken = $creds.Token        $VstsAuth = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $userName, $vstsToken)))    }    Process {        $vstsUri = "https://$"        $vstsUEBody = @{            accessLevel = @{ accountLicenseType = "express" }            user = @{ principalName = $userEmail; subjectKind = "user" }            projectEntitlements = @{                 group = @{ groupType = $projAccessLevel }                projectRef = @{ id = $projId }            }         }        $RestParams = @{            ContentType = "application/json"            Method = 'Post'            URI = $vstsUserUri            Body = $vstsUEBody | ConvertTo-Json            Headers = @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $VstsAuth)}        }        $vstsUpdateResult = Invoke-RestMethod @RestParams    }    End {    }}