How to get Redis running on Azure? [closed] How to get Redis running on Azure? [closed] azure azure

How to get Redis running on Azure? [closed]

  1. Download Redis for Windows - see the section 'Redis Service builds for Windows' on I ended up using the win64 version from dmajkic
  2. Create an Azure worker role, delete the default class (you don't need c# code at all). Add the file redis-server.exe from the downloaded redis source (the exe can be found in redis/src).
  3. In the service definition file add the following config

    <WorkerRole name="my.Worker" vmsize="Small">  <Runtime executionContext="limited">    <EntryPoint>      <ProgramEntryPoint commandLine="redis-server.exe" setReadyOnProcessStart="true" />    </EntryPoint>  </Runtime>  <Imports>    <Import moduleName="Diagnostics" />    <Import moduleName="RemoteAccess" />    <Import moduleName="RemoteForwarder" />  </Imports>  <Endpoints>    <InternalEndpoint name="Redis" protocol="tcp" port="6379" />  </Endpoints></WorkerRole>
  4. You can refer to the redis server from your web role using the following

    var ipEndpoint = RoleEnvironment.Roles["my.Worker"].Instances[0].InstanceEndpoints["Redis"].IPEndpoint;host = string.Format("{0}:{1}", ipEndpoint.Address, ipEndpoint.Port);

Hope that helps.

FYI, the above-mentioned Redis on Windows project from MS Open Tech now has an Azure installer available, which makes it easy to get Redis up and running on a PaaS worker role. Here's a detailed tutorial: (Full disclosure: I'm on the MS Open Tech team.)

There is MS Open Tech: Redis on Windows project.Redis on Windows is available on GitHub ( however still not labelled as ready for production yet.

Another post is an example of application using Redis:"SignalR with Redis Running on a Windows Azure Virtual Machine"