How to interpret CPU time vs CPU percentage How to interpret CPU time vs CPU percentage azure azure

How to interpret CPU time vs CPU percentage

Some cloud monitoring tools give resource usage in standard time measures. (seconds, hours, days etc.)

If you have usage in seconds like,

min: 4.69s  max: 2008.08 s  avg : 207.63 s

Then you can find out usage in % from above using definition of %.

% utilization = (resource used time / total resource availability time)

ex: if cpu was available for 100 seconds and out of that 80 seconds it was used then

% utilization = 80/100 = 80% CPU utilization

From your given time, total available time is missing. Find that out and use above formula.

% utilization = avg. usage/total availability

no. of cores shouldn't matter as that is present in both cases.

% utilization = ( (no. of cores * avg util)/(no. of core * total availability))  

I am not sure about azure cloud monitoring but if it is providing same then you can use it.