How to Process XML in Azure Logic App How to Process XML in Azure Logic App azure azure

How to Process XML in Azure Logic App

We recently shipped Preview of [Enterprise Integration Pack] (EIP) for Logic Apps. As part of this release, a bunch of xml processing capabilities have been added to Logic Apps.

  1. [JSON to XML] and vice versa: You can use the json() and xml() functions that are natively available in Logic Apps definition.
  2. XML Transform: You can now use the new XML Transform action which is based upon XSLT 1.0.

Beyond these, Logic Apps also has HTTP requests/response capabilities which can be used to call HTTP endpoints.

Hope this helps.


  1. Receive XML POST request.
  2. Transform the XML. - Use content as triggerBody() and map using XSLT. You can set the XML format here.

    <?xml version='1.0'?><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"><xsl:template match="/"><Header><Something><xsl:value-of select="soap-env:Envelope/soap-env:Body/a:Something/@value"/></Something></Header></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>
  3. Transform XML to JSON - Use content body('transform_XML') and map using XML to Json.

    {"Something": "{{content.Something.Value}}"
  4. Parse JSON - Use content body('transform_XML_to_JSON')
  5. HTTP Response - set the values you want returned as body('Parse_JSON')['Value'] into the Body.

    <Header><Something><value = "body('Parse_JSON')['Value']"/></Something></Header>
  6. You can also create a blob with this and send to a data factory.

You can also use Function Apps w/NewtonSoft ( Logic Apps are amazing, but they are not the sandwich AND the chips... at least not quite yet.

You should be able to nest a Function App in a Logic App. Use NewtonSoft (In Function App) to support the parsing XML>JSON, JSON>XML