How to restart Azure App Service Instance How to restart Azure App Service Instance azure azure

How to restart Azure App Service Instance

I recently encounter a similar issue (one bad instance always read null from ConfigurationManager.AppSettings while the other instance was fine). I found that restarting a particular instance of a Azure App service (web app) is do-able from the Azure portal. :D

Updated Aug 16th, 2019:

The short version is that if you go in the portal for your web app under Diagnose and Solve Problems, search for Advanced Application Restart and you will get an option that allows you to pick just the instance you want.

Hope that helps.

the commandlet you mentioned is not supposed to be used with the Azure App Service, but with the Azure Cloud Services and role model, so you do not need it here. Azure SDK 1.3 is very old as well, today the latest is 2.9.

Next, try to use Auto-Healing feature - it is difficult to understand why your web app is so resources consuming, especially if you tried to restart the W3WP (did you kill it in the Process Explorer of the dashboard?), so built-in feature can be helpful.

And you can find the webapp id and execute PowerShell, for example, Stop and Start it. If that will not help, i would suggest to re-create the instance.

Did some research regarding this thread. Looks like Azure APIs could solve the issue also.

Reference :

Hope this helps !