How to send only the last value received from stream analytics to powerbi How to send only the last value received from stream analytics to powerbi azure azure

How to send only the last value received from stream analytics to powerbi

We're looking at how to do this in a better way, but there's a pretty simple procedure for making this work:

Use the "Ask a question about the data on this dashboard" box (QnA) and use a question like the following:"Average speed in the last 10 seconds"

This will give you what you want.

HTH, -Lukasz


Power BI Developer Blog:



you can use MAX function to get latest timeseries value.For eg.

SELECT    MAX(refTimeStamp) as timeINTO    outputFROM    input TimeStamp BY refTimeStampGROUP BY     TumblingWindow(minute, 3)

It will return latest time in last 3 minute window.

That can be achieved by using the


Analytical function that is built in.

as an example usage

SELECT       sensorId,        LAST(reading) OVER (PARTITION BY sensorId LIMIT DURATION(hour, 1) WHEN reading IS NOT NULL)FROM input 

the above sample query is going to find most recent non-null sensor reading over an hour duration.

click here for more info on LAST Function.