How to set-up custom domain name in Azure Container Instance How to set-up custom domain name in Azure Container Instance azure azure

How to set-up custom domain name in Azure Container Instance

As for as I know, ACI exposes the DNS name using a dns-name-label in azure's namespace. The FQDN like is provided by Azure DNS service. Unfortunately, there is no way to directly set the custom domain for ACI, but you could create a CNAME record in your DNS provider to redirect your subdomain like to this FQDN.If so, you can access your ACI via subdomain

You may consider creating a web app for the container. Then you can create a custom domain for the web app.

cname won`t work since docker sees that the ssl cert is from * and not and then proceeds to do nothing. it also doenst work with cloudflare ssledit: i just did more research and i found something very very promising
