Is there a way I can re-initiate failed tasks or agent phase in a TFS release? Is there a way I can re-initiate failed tasks or agent phase in a TFS release? azure azure

Is there a way I can re-initiate failed tasks or agent phase in a TFS release?

Understand your concern. However, this is not supported at present with on-premises TFS Server 2018.

When you're doing a PROD drop and a step near the end randomly fails, then you can't just rerun from that failed step. Had to re-deploy.

To re-run failed task/step:

Actually, there is a related user voice.

Rerun failed build task/step

Multiple people commented and echoed. You could monitor the status of above user voice.

To re-run failed agent phase/ agent job

Also a related user voice:

Retry failed run with multi-stage pipelines

However, this is has been released with Azure DevOps Service now: Still not available with Azure DevOps/TFS on-premises. Generally, it won't be long until it's released with latest Azure DevOps version.

With all that said, I think you still have to re-deploy on TFS 2018 at present. Sorry for any inconvenience.

In TFS 2018 you don't have this option.

However, in Azure Pipelines you have the option to re-run failed jobs, so I guess in the next release of Azure DevOps Server (TFS) this feature will be.

enter image description here

Recently the retryCountOnTaskFailure argument was introduced:

- task: <name of task>   retryCountOnTaskFailure: <max number of retries>   ...