Monitor success count for Azure function Monitor success count for Azure function azure azure

Monitor success count for Azure function

An option to programmatically access the raw logging data by connecting to the storage account associated with your Function App.

Once connected to that account, you'll see storage tables named "AzureWebJobsHostLogYYYMM" containing all the log data.

About alerts, currently, that feature is not available out of the box with Azure Functions and would require a custom solution like something on top of Application Insights. You can see an example here.

If you're willing to use apis that are unsupported, you can get this data from:<sitename><sitename>&limit=11

That's the call that the Monitor tab makes to retrieve the data:

Currently there isn't a way to alert on invocation success or failure, the best way to do this would be via the function code itself (before exiting the function log the status in some way). Functions is working to add Application Insights integration which should improve the available monitoring data, and may add before/after invocation hooks as well.

Feel free to add any feature requests at

I will suggest, use application Insight, build your own query and pin your result in the dashboard. you can set an alert on same query result.

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