Multiple separate triggers in azure-pipelines.yml Multiple separate triggers in azure-pipelines.yml azure azure

Multiple separate triggers in azure-pipelines.yml

If i understand your request correctly. You can achieve this in a single azure-pipeline.yml. Please check below example yml.

trigger:  branches:    include:    - master  paths:    include:    - client/*    - api/*jobs:- job: getchangepath  pool:    vmImage: 'windows-latest'  steps:   - powershell: |      $url="$(System.CollectionUri)/$(System.TeamProject)/_apis/git/repositories/$(Build.Repository.ID)/commits/$(Build.SourceVersion)/changes?api-version=5.1"      $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $(System.AccessToken)"} -Method GET                             $changesFolder = $result.changes | Where-Object{$_.item.gitObjectType -match "tree"} | Select-Object -Property {$_.item.path}           foreach($path in $changesFolder){        if($path -match '/client'){          echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Client;isOutput=true]$True"          break        }      }      foreach($path in $changesFolder){        if($path -match '/api'){          echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Api;isOutput=true]$True"          break        }      }    name: MyVariable- job: client  pool :    vmImage: 'windows-latest'  dependsOn: getchangepath  condition: eq(dependencies.getchangepath.outputs['Myvariable.Client'], 'true')  steps:  - powershell: echo 'client job start'  - job: api  pool :    vmImage: 'windows-latest'  dependsOn: getchangepath  condition: eq(dependencies.getchangepath.outputs['Myvariable.Api'], 'true')  steps:  - powershell: echo 'api job start'

In above yml. I have three jobs. In the first job getchangepath I call git get changes rest api in the powershell task to get the changed path which triggers the build. And output the variables if the path contains path /client or /api.

Job client and job api are depend on job getchangepath and will be executed on the condition of the output variable in job getchangepath.

Suppose I changed a file in folder client and commit the change to azure repo. Then after job getchangepath is finished. MyVariable.Client will be set to true. Then Job client will evaluate its condition and get started. Job Api will fail its condition and get skipped.

I recently faced this problem. You don't need to hard-code and access the DevOps API and PowerShell code in the solution above.

Here is a simpler solution using out of the box YAML and the workingDirectory property per the official Azure DevOps documentation.

Setup a project structure like this, with each repository having it's own YAML file:

.├──├── azure-pipelines.yml├── service-a|── azure-pipelines-a.yml   └── └── service-b        |── azure-pipelines-b.yml        └── 

You might not need a root pipeline, but if you do, you will want to ignore the sub-projects:

# Excerpt from /azure-pipeline.yml trigger:  paths:    exclude: # Exclude!      - 'service-a/*'      - 'service-b/*'

And in the sub-projects, you want them to pay attention to themselves:

# Excerpt from /service-a/azure-pipeline-a.ymltrigger:  paths:    include: # Include!      - 'service-a/*' # or 'service-b/*'

Caveat - Working directories!

Your sub-project pipelines are still running with the root as your working directory. You can change this using the workingDirectory key, for example (which uses a variable to avoid repeat):

variables:  - name: working-dir    value: 'service-b/'steps:- script: npm install  workingDirectory: $(working-dir)- script: npm run task  workingDirectory: $(working-dir)

If your projects share steps, you should use Pipeline Templates (in another repository) per official docs instead.

If you get 203 response with the above method you can try this way

$userName = "whatever"$AuthInfo = [Conver]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $userName,$(PAT)))$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers @{Authorization = "Basic {0} $AuthInfo" } -Method GET

I ran this on powershell it works fine.