.net core azure deployment failing: Project file does not exist .net core azure deployment failing: Project file does not exist azure azure

.net core azure deployment failing: Project file does not exist

Apparently you need to specify the SDK version explicitly in your global.json otherwise Kudu is using the latest which is now the preview3 one which is not compatible.

{"projects": [ "src", "test" ],"sdk": {    "version": "1.0.0-preview2-1-003177"    }}

Be careful, you global.json file should live at the root of your repository.

Details: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/2a301f82-6a7a-4c03-ad4a-bd8714d72ba6/continious-deployment-of-aspnet-core-app-suddenly-starts-to-fail-today?forum=windowsazurewebsitespreview&prof=required