.Net interface for a known return type, but unknown type/number of parameters .Net interface for a known return type, but unknown type/number of parameters azure azure

.Net interface for a known return type, but unknown type/number of parameters

You could try having a very generic interface. For example:

interface ITableOperations<T, P, R>    where T : Azure.AzureTableEntity{    string PartitionKey(P partitionKey);    string RowKey(R rowKey);}

Then your implementation could be:

public class ScheduledItem : ITableOperations<ScheduledPostEntity, Guid, DateTime>{    public string PartitionKey(Guid userGuid)    {        return userGuid.ToString();    }    public string RowKey(DateTime dateScheduled)    {        return dateScheduled.ReverseTicks();    }}


Looking at some of your comments since I originally wrote this answer, you could come at it from a different angle. The PartitionKey and RowKey won't change on your object once it has been created, so I'd almost take these particular functions out of this class and move it to the constructors of the classes that inherit from AzureTableEntity. e.g.

public class ScheduledPostEntity : Azure.AzureTableEntity{    private Guid _userGuid;    private DateTime _dateScheduled;    public ScheduledPostEntity()    {        // Needed for deserialisation from Azure Table Storage    }    public ScheduledPostEntity(Guid userGuid, DateTime dateScheduled)    {        _userGuid = userGuid;        _dateScheduled = dateScheduled;    }    public string PartitionKey    {        get { return _userGuid.ToString(); }        set { _userGuid = Guid.Parse(value); }    }    public string RowKey    {        get { return _dateScheduled.ReverseTicks(); }        set { _dateScheduled = value.FromReverseTicks(); }    }    // These are functions to avoid them being saved as additional properties    // in Azure Table Storage.  Sometimes you can get away with them being    // read only properties, but it depends on the type.    public DateTime DateScheduled()    {        return _dateScheduled;    }    public Guid UserGuid()    {        return _userGuid;    }}

This has the advantage that whenever you create on of these objects, you know minimum requirements to save the object. It also stops you from messing with things that will change your PK and RK.

You could define one parameter, which would be an array. This array would contain name/value pairs and could have as many as you need. I think this would give you the flexibility you're looking for.

This still won't show you the proper list of parameters for DoStuff (you'll just see params object[]) but it's about as flexible as you'll get. Note that I've implemented the method explicitly in the implementing class so you don't see it in Intellisense if "foo" is declared as a Foo rather than an IFoo.

class Program{    static void Main(string[] args)    {        IFoo foo = new Foo();        foo.DoStuff(Guid.NewGuid());    }}public interface IFoo{    void DoStuff(params object[] args);}public class Foo : IFoo{    public void DoStuff(Guid arg)    {    }    void IFoo.DoStuff(params object[] args)    {        if (args.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentException("args");        if (args[0].GetType() != typeof(Guid)) throw new ArgumentException("args");        DoStuff((Guid)args[0]);    }}