pip install from Azure DevOps Python Artifacts feed not working pip install from Azure DevOps Python Artifacts feed not working azure azure

pip install from Azure DevOps Python Artifacts feed not working

As a workaround:

Looks like you're using option2 from the document to do the install. I happen to see one similar issue which indicates this error message could have something to do with pip.ini(windows) or pip.conf(linux/mac), so I think you can try another approach to avoid something wrong with those configurations.

You can run pip install artifacts-keyring --pre and then run

pip install packageName --index-url https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/xxx/xxx/_packaging/xxx/pypi/simple/ -vvv --no-deps

You would meet something like this when running command pip install artifacts-keyring --pre:

enter image description here

After the login-in passes, you would get the package you need if it do exist in your feed.

My issue was that I had not installed artifacts-keyring. After that I could see VS Code authenticating to the feed and installing the package.

I also needed to upgrade pip (needs to be above > 19.2) with the following command:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

The fix

Do one of the following:

  • Remove the VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS environment variable (not very useful, not recommended).

  • Add an extra endpoint to the VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS environment variable. E.g.,

{"endpointCredentials": [{"endpoint":"https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/company/_packaging/NuGetFeed/nuget/v3/index.json", ...},{"endpoint":"https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/company/company_Software/_packaging/PyPI/pypi/simple/", ...}]}

We have a script which sets up these endpoints, so this turns out to be a simple fix.

The cause

It turns out that if you have used artifacts-credprovider to set up another feed, in our case, a NuGet feed with another endpoint, the VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS environment variable stores only that feed URL inside the key endpoint. artifacts-keyring will still read that environment variable even if the endpoint doesn't exist, which causes authentication problem. The -vvv log doesn't tell you anything about authentication and it won't attempt to authenticate using another method.