Powershell get Azure VM name from private IP Powershell get Azure VM name from private IP azure azure

Powershell get Azure VM name from private IP

Is there a better way to get VM name directly using VM private ?

Do you mean use VM's private IP address to get the VM's name?If I understand it correctly, we can use this PowerShell to get the VM's name:

PS C:> get-azurermvmResourceGroupName  Name Location      VmSize OsType     NIC ProvisioningState-----------------  ---- --------      ------ ------     --- -----------------RGNAME            jason   eastus Standard_A1  Linux jason66         SucceededPS C:\> $a = ((Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface | ?{$_.IpConfigurations.PrivateIpAddress -eq ''}).VirtualMachine).IDPS C:\> $vmname = ($a -split '/') | select -Last 1PS C:\> $vmnamejason

You can do this with Ansible using the Metadata service:

---- name: Test Playbook  hosts:  gather_facts: no  tasks:  - name: Call VM metadata service to get compute fields.    uri:      url:      return_content: yes      headers:        Metadata: true    register: vm_metadata  - set_fact:      vm_name: "{{ vm_metadata.json.name }}"      resource_group: "{{ vm_metadata.json.resourceGroupName }}"  - debug:       msg: Adding disk to <RG={{ resource_group }}> <VM={{ vm_name }}>

Result is:

TASK [debug] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************ok: [test-vm.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com] => {    "msg": "Adding disk to <RG=test-rg> <VM=test-vm>"

See API details here:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/instance-metadata-service