Programmatically assign users to Azure AD Application using Graph API Programmatically assign users to Azure AD Application using Graph API azure azure

Programmatically assign users to Azure AD Application using Graph API

You can get the appRoleAssignments of a user via the navigation property when querying the Graph API:

You can create assignments by making an HTTP POST to:

The object that you need to send looks like this:

{  "id": "id-of-role",  "principalId": "objectId-of-user",  "resourceId": "objectId-of-service-principal"}

If your app does not have any roles, but you still want to assign a user, it seems you can just set the id to all zeros:

Where the resource does not declare any permissions, a default id (zero GUID) must be specified.

So something like:

{  "id":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",  "resourceId": "a27d8321-3dc6-44a1-bf19-2546a9f2806e",  "principalId": "c4f810b8-2ea1-4580-9595-30275a28c2a2"}

The accepted answer is a bit outdated now.The URL you need is:<tenantID>/users/<userObjectID>/appRoleAssignments

Send a HTTP POST with a content of:

{  "principalId": "<objectId-of-user>",  "resourceId": "<objectId-of-service-principal>",  "principalType": "User",  "appRoleId": "<id of role>"}

The easiest way to test is via the Microsoft Graph Explorer

Or the way im doing it is via bash script, calling the azure cli

cat <<- EOF > roleAssignment.json{  "appRoleId": "${UUID}",  "principalId": "{$USER_ID}",  "principalType": "User",  "resourceId": "${SP}"}EOFaz rest --method post --headers Content-type="application/json" --url "${TENANT_ID}/users/${USER_ID}/appRoleAssignments" --body @roleAssignment.json