Recommend a C# Task Scheduling Library [closed] Recommend a C# Task Scheduling Library [closed] azure azure

Recommend a C# Task Scheduling Library [closed]

"Quartz.NET is a port of very propular(sic!) open source Java job scheduling framework, Quartz."

PS: Word to the wise, don't try to just navigate to when at work ;-)

I used Quartz back in my Java days and it worked great. I am now using it for some .Net work and it works even better (of course there are a number of years in there for it to have stabalized). So I certainly second the recommendations for it.

Another interesting thing you should look at, that I have just begun to play with is the new System.Threading.Tasks in .Net 4.0. I've just been using the tasks for parallelizing work and it takes great advantage of multi cores/processors. I noticed that there is a class in there named TaskScheduler, I haven't looked at it in detail, but it has methods like QueueTask, DeQueTask, etc. Might be worth some investigation at least.