Role cannot be reached by the host system Azure- WorkerRole Role cannot be reached by the host system Azure- WorkerRole azure azure

Role cannot be reached by the host system Azure- WorkerRole

try this:

Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal

maybe some other things(processes, threads) need lower priority's also but this should keep the cpu utilization at 100%

for (external) processes start them with the following code(this is vb but you should be able to covert it to your language

Dim myprocess As New System.Diagnostics.Process() myprocess.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\the\path\to\the\the\process.exe" myprocess.Start() myprocess.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal

you could set the priority of the current process of the worker role but this might be dependent of other processes so watch out, its better to set the priority of the demanding process lower this won't slow it down unless there is other work to be proformed

Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.AboveNormal

This is something that is affecting a service I'm running in a Windows Azure as well.I have just tried manually setting the Priority of WaAppAgent to High. Hopefully that helps.

But really this is shouldn't be my problem. Sometimes my database is running at 100% CPU and really this is the WORST possible time for a restart.

I really don't want to over provision resources just so some heart beat will be happy. Do the VM instances have a heart beat event as well? Maybe the solution is to switch to using a VM instead of using a PaaS role?