Running NPM on a self-hosted VSO Agent Running NPM on a self-hosted VSO Agent azure azure

Running NPM on a self-hosted VSO Agent

The solution to this was to install node.js with the regular installer :

This then worked. Still have other issues but the direct issue in this question is solved by not using nvm to install node. I could then add an npm task in the VSO build definition interface.

Make sure the npm is installed in "C:\Program Files\nodejs\" folder, and then add following in your PowerShell script:

$env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\nodejs\"

Try adding the run npm command build task from:

Add build step -> Add tasks -> Package -> npm (run a npm command)

And add install as command, and the root of the web-project as working directory

Otherwise, try adding the following capabilities:

node.js | C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe


   npm | C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd