SSL Cert Error in Azure Application Gateway SSL Cert Error in Azure Application Gateway azure azure

SSL Cert Error in Azure Application Gateway

I recently ran into this error and found that my application gateway hadn't finished updating after adding the https listener. After that completed, I was able to add rules.

Open the following link to have a look at the details of your Application Gateway:{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/{applicationGatewayName}

There is an sslCertificates array with the certificates the Gateway can use. You can check the provisioning state of the certificate and the actual ID of the certificate to be used.

Adrian,I have tested and confirmed that updating an SSL certificate for offload works fine. The error is stating that when doing the put for creating the certificate with the API that there is no data. This could be caused by a bad password for the certificate. I would recommend re-exporting the private key for your certificate and try to upload it again.