Terraform back-end to azure blob storage errors Terraform back-end to azure blob storage errors azure azure

Terraform back-end to azure blob storage errors

What worked for me is to delete the local .terraform folder and try again.

Another problem can be time resolution.

I experienced those problems as well, tried all the above mentioned steps, but nothing helped.

What happened on my system (Windows 10, WSL2) was, that WSL lost its time sync and I was hours apart. This behaviour is described in https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4245.

For me it helped to

  • get the appropriate time in WSL (sudo hwclock -s) and

  • to reboot WSL

Hope, this will help others too.

Here are few suggestions:

  • Run: terraform init -reconfigure.
  • Confirm your "terraform/backend" credentials.
  • In case your Terraform contains some "azurerm_storage_account/network_rules" to allow certain IP addresses, or make sure you're connected to the right VPN network.
  • If above won't work, run TF_LOG=TRACE terraform init to debug further.