Transition between stateful service and external persistence in Azure Service Fabric Transition between stateful service and external persistence in Azure Service Fabric azure azure

Transition between stateful service and external persistence in Azure Service Fabric

The Key-Value store state provider does not require everything to be kept in memory. This provider actually stores the state of all actors on the local disk and the state is also replicated to the local disk on other nodes. So the KVS store is considered a persistent and reliable store.

In addition to that, the state of active actors is also stored in memory. When an actor hasn't been used in a while, it gets deactivated and garbage collected. When this happens, the in-memory copy is freed and only the copy on disk remains. When the actor is activated again, the state is fetched from disk and remains in memory as long as the actor is active.

Also, KVS is not the only built-in state provider. We also have the VolatileActorStateProvider ( This is the state provider that keeps everything in memory.

The KvsActorStateProvider does indeed store actor state in a KeyValueStore which is a similar structure to the ReliableDictionary.

The first question I'd ask is whether you need to relegate old actors state to cold storage? The limitation of keeping everything in memory doesn't limit you to a total number of actors, but a total number per replica. So you must first consider the partitioning strategy so that your actors are distributed across a number of different replicas. As your demands grow you can then add more machines to the cluster and the ServiceFabric will orchestrate movements of the replicas to the new machines. For more information on partitioning of the Actor service, see

If you do want to use cold storage after some time, then you have a couple of options. Firstly, you could decorate your actors with a custom ActorStateProviderAttribute that returns your own implementation of an IActorStateProvider that can handle persistence as you decide.

Alternatively, you could handle it entirely within your Actor implementation. Hook into the Actor Lifecycle and in OnDeactivateAsync such that when the instance is garbage collected, or use an Actor Reminder for some specified time in the future, to serialise the state and store in cold storage such as blob or table storage and null out the State property. The ActivateAsync override can then be used to retrieve this state from offline storage and deserialise.