"Unable to kill the process" error with "php composer.phar install" on Azure "Unable to kill the process" error with "php composer.phar install" on Azure azure azure

"Unable to kill the process" error with "php composer.phar install" on Azure

I have tried to reproduce your issue, however failed, the composer ran well in my project on Azure. Please try the following steps:

1, Create a Web app on Azure with a MySQL Database and set up deployment from git.

2, Create a new symfony 2.7 project at local by cmdlet:

php -r "readfile('http://symfony.com/installer');" > symfonysymfony new my_project

then deploy the project on Web app.

3, Switch back to online console of Kudu application, execute the following command:

"cd site\wwwroot""curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php""php composer.phar install"

4, Answer the prompted questions during composer install process.

It works fine to me.

By the way, it seems there is something wrong about timeout RuntimeException when the composer was cleaning the cache in your project env. There are 2 ways to handle it:

1, We can clean the cache manually before deploy on Azure.

2, We can set command excute timeout option in composer.json. In the composer.Json file, there is the code:

"config": {   "bin-dir": "bin",   "process-timeout":0 }, 

we add "process-timeout:0" to remove the limitation of command excute time.

I got the same error while trying to repro it. Timeout was caused by installing these 2 items:


Tried a work around:

  1. Remove ClearCache and InstallAsset from composer.json, installation is success

  2. Add these 2 components back, install again, it worked.

  3. There was a warning about Symbolic link because Windows does not support symbolic link. This should be different issue.


I tested one more time, it looks like composer.lock caused some issue. I deleted composer.lock, then ran install, it passed successfully.