Using an array in Azure web app settings Using an array in Azure web app settings azure azure

Using an array in Azure web app settings

Adding the settings under "App settings" like this will do the trick...Notice the ":0" and ":1" below

Format: Key -> Value

SomeSettings:PropA -> AzureValueASomeSettings:PropB:0 -> AzureValueB1SomeSettings:PropB:1 -> AzureValueB2

If you aren't running on Windows, replace the colon : with double underscore __ to get your app to see the settings. So instead of e.g. SomeSettings:PropA, you'd use SomeSettings__PropA.

Simple approach is store the JSON as string in AppSetting, and de-serialize by yourself

var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();var settings = serializer.Deserialize<SomeSettings>(configuration.GetSection("SomeSettings"));

or you will have to create your own customer configuration i believe.