Viewing Queue contents using the Azure Dashboard Viewing Queue contents using the Azure Dashboard azure azure

Viewing Queue contents using the Azure Dashboard

"Azure dashboard", do you refer to Azure Portal "" ?

portal is more for manage your cloud resource but not the actual content. you will need to look for other third party tooling.

Storage Explorer would be a good one to look at: Azure Storage Explorer

Looks like you can do this in Azure dashboard:

How to view the contents (current messages) of a Queue from the Azure Dashboard

  1. Login to Azure portal
  2. Find the Storage Account associated to the queue.
  3. Navigate to Queues.
  4. Find the named queue and click it.
  5. From the Overview you will see a load of rows with columns including "insertion times" and "expiration times" as well as "Message Text".
  6. Click a row to see it's contents: Here is an example of what this looks like

You have (2) good options - VS IDE Cloud Explorer ORMicrosoft has Azure Storage Explorer now which is based on Electron. This project was formerly known as Deco.

CodePlex is shutting down December 2017 - Azure Storage Explorer will no longer exist!