VS Application Insights for a Web App deployed to multiple environments VS Application Insights for a Web App deployed to multiple environments azure azure

VS Application Insights for a Web App deployed to multiple environments

Here is what we did.

  • Create 4 AI applications
  • In our ApplicationInsights.config we set it to our development componentId.
  • For Test, Stage, and Prod we use a build script that replaces the componentId and componentName based on which environment we are in.
  • In layout javascript get the appId:


I found this on msdn blogs from January 7, 2015 Application Insights support for Multiple Environments, Stamps and App Versions.

Basically, you can remove the instrumentation key from ApplicationInsights.config and put it in Web.config as an appSetting and then set it at startup.

This means that you can keep the configuration for each environment directly in azure.

My steps:

  1. Delete <InstrumentationKey> from ApplicationInsights.config
  2. Add the setting in Web.config

    <add key="appInsightsInstrumentationKey" value="id_from hre"/>

  3. Add settings in http://portal.azure.com for Dev, Sta, etc
  4. On startup:

    var aiInstrumentationKey = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appInsightsInstrumentationKey"];if( string.IsNullOrEmpty(aiInstrumentationKey)){ throw new ApplicationException("appInsightsInstrumentationKey missing in web.config");}Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = aiInstrumentationKey;