What are the Advantages of using Kubernetes Ingress in Azure AKS What are the Advantages of using Kubernetes Ingress in Azure AKS azure azure

What are the Advantages of using Kubernetes Ingress in Azure AKS

There is a nice article here which describe the differences on Service(Load Balancer) and Ingress.

In summary, you can have multiple Service(Load Balancer) in the cluster, where each application is exposed independently from each other. The main issue is that each Load Balancer added will increase the cost of your solution, and does not have to be this way, unless you strictly need this.

If multiple applications listen on port 80, and they are inside the container, there is no reason you also need to map it to the port 80 in the host node. You can assign it to any port, because the Service will handle the dynamic port mappings for you.

The ingress is best in this scenario, because you can have one ingress listing on port 80, and route the traffic to the right service based on many variables, like:

  • Domain
  • Url Path
  • Query String
  • And many other

Ingress in not just for TLS termination, it is in simple terms a proxy\gateway that will control the routing to the right service, TLS termination is just one of the features.

No, you cant have multiple services listening on port 80, as load balancer wont know where to route them (ingress will, however). If you can affort to host each service on different port you could use load balancer. alternatively, if you have public ip for each service and different backend port on each service you can achieve this.

quote: The protocol and port combination you entered matches another rule used by this load balancer. The protocol and port combination of each load balancing rule and inbound NAT rule on a load balancer must be unique.

again, if you are a developer, you probably do not realize how much more convenient it is to manage certificate on ingress, and not on all individual containers that are supposed to be accessible