What is going wrong with web deployment from Visual Studio and App service? What is going wrong with web deployment from Visual Studio and App service? azure azure

What is going wrong with web deployment from Visual Studio and App service?

All of a sudden VSTS default deployment mode became Run-From-Zip.

The solution is setting Select deployment method checkbox in VSTS deploy and be sure Web Deploy is selected.

To "unlock" the service you need to delete setting WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE from Application settings page in the Azure Portal - it is under 'Configuration'

enter image description here

I hade the same problem today with net core 2.2 and the solution was to remove setting "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE" in azure appsettings

We got hit by this same issue - the file system becomes readonly when WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE=1. Azure App Service seems to be adding this app setting automatically during recent platform upgrades.

I do suggest using Run-From-Package over web deploy - but you can easily revert their forced updates by setting WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE=0. If you are on Azure DevOps - the latest version of App Service Deploy v4 supports Run-From-Package.