Where is the key in new Azure App service? Where is the key in new Azure App service? azure azure

Where is the key in new Azure App service?


With App Services/Mobile Apps, the application key is no longer used/required, that is why it is no longer available on the portal. You can instantiate the client with the above code and start consuming the service APIs without that information.

For authentication, please refer to this documentation: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-service-mobile-windows-store-dotnet-get-started-users/

I hope this helps.

You can implement Application Key for Azure Mobile App if you want.

You can set an application key for your Azure Mobile App like Azure Mobile Services.

1. Open Application Settings on Azure Mobile Application

2. Scroll down to App Settings Add these two lines.

| zumo-api-key | TYPE YOUR API KEY |

| MS_SkipVersionCheck | True |

3. Then click Save

4. Open App Service Editor

5. Create a file on your main folder wwwroot

6. Name your file as validateApiKey.js

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------// Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------module.exports = function (req, res, next) {// Validate zumo-api-key header against environment variable.// The header could also be validated against config setting, etcvar apiKey = process.env['zumo-api-key'];if (apiKey && req.get('zumo-api-key') != apiKey)    return res.status(401).send('This operation requires a valid api key');else    return next();}

6. Update your API script as,


var validateApiKey = require('../validateApiKey');module.exports = {    "get": [validateApiKey, function(request, response, next)    {        response.send(        {            message: "post"        });    }],    "post": [validateApiKey, function(request, response, next)    {        response.send(        {            message: "post"        });    }]};


{  "get": {    "access": "anonymous"  },  "post": {    "access": "anonymous"  },  "put": {    "access": "anonymous"  },  "patch": {    "access": "anonymous"  },  "delete": {    "access": "anonymous"  }}

Do not forget to change permissions to "Anonymous"

6. Update your Table script as,


var azureMobileApps = require('azure-mobile-apps'),    validateApiKey = require('../validateApiKey');// Create a new table definitionvar table = azureMobileApps.table();// Access should be anonymous so that unauthenticated users are not rejected// before our custom validateApiKey middleware runs.table.access = 'anonymous';// validate api key header prior to execution of any table operation    table.use(validateApiKey, table.execute);// to require api key authentication for only one operation (in this case insert)// instead of table.use(validateApiKey, table.execute) use:// table.insert.use(validateApiKey, table.operation);module.exports = table;


{  "softDelete" : true,  "autoIncrement": false,  "insert": {    "access": "anonymous"  },  "update": {    "access": "anonymous"  },  "delete": {    "access": "anonymous"  },  "read": {    "access": "anonymous"  },  "undelete": {    "access": "anonymous"  }}

Do not forget to change permissions to "Anonymous"

7. Done!

Do not forget to add header while calling Azure Mobile/Web App.

Also, you can see more from this repository on Github.
