Where is the list of deployment template schema api versions? Where is the list of deployment template schema api versions? azure azure

Where is the list of deployment template schema api versions?

Here is our current hack:

  1. Go to https://github.com/Azure/azure-resource-manager-schemas
  2. Press t to enter the [GitHub File Finder][3].
  3. Type DeploymentTemplate.

Voila. We have a list of deployment template schema, which displays two API versions.

GitHub File Finder Results

More recent is better. But in general you should be able to stick with the top level schema of:


That will pull in the proper version of all the child schemas. We update the child schemas so all your existing templates don't have to be updated. Multiple API versions are supported in the child schemas to support "backward compat".

If you do peruse GH, look at the readme.md (that tells you what to test and therefore what's in use) and the file you want to watch is:


As that's the top level schema file.

I was searching for same answer, found this question.

Sorry for all those who answered before, i wasn't satisfied with the proposed solutions.So i found another way, maybe this is suitable :)

At this page https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/templates/you'll find on the left side a list of all types of resources that can be defined in an ARM template.

For each resource (e.g. CosmosDB) you'll find a link with All resources (e.g. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/templates/microsoft.documentdb/allversions for CosmosDB) which lists all versions for that resource.

Hope it helps!

p.s.: also there's the link of Latest (e.g. for CosmosDB https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/templates/microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts) which gives the latest format of that resource ;)