Why do I need to configure connection strings for WebJobs in Azure Management Portal rather than in the App.config of my WebJob? Why do I need to configure connection strings for WebJobs in Azure Management Portal rather than in the App.config of my WebJob? azure azure

Why do I need to configure connection strings for WebJobs in Azure Management Portal rather than in the App.config of my WebJob?

The dashboard doesn't have access to your web job's app.config file and even if it did, you might have multiple webjobs so it wouldn't know which connection string to pick. That is why you need to set the connection string in the portal.

However, you don't have to set it in app.config for the web job if you set them in the portal. The WebJobs SDK knows how to read them from there.

I had to manually add authorization headers:Azure Portal Schedular UI config

For get the value anfter "Basic " I used this code:

var byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("<user>:<password>");var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray);

Ithink is a Azure Scheduler UI bug