Why isn't my Azure WebJob scheduled? Why isn't my Azure WebJob scheduled? azure azure

Why isn't my Azure WebJob scheduled?

In a way there are no Scheduled jobs. A scheduled WebJob is just an On-demand/Triggered WebJob that is triggered by a timer. Now this timer can be Azure Scheduler (which is what VS tooling used to create) or the built-in scheduler in Kudu.

To use the built-in scheduler, you create file called settings.job in the root of the project and have this as the content:

{    "schedule": "0 0 * * * *"}

That will run it every hour. It uses CRON expressions, in this case defining it should run always when seconds and minutes are zero. Now this does require Always On to be on in the app.

Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/azure/app-service/web-sites-create-web-jobs#CreateScheduledCRON