Windows Azure - The current service model is out of sync Windows Azure - The current service model is out of sync azure azure

Windows Azure - The current service model is out of sync

One of my colleagues hit this issue and after a bit of playing about, the problem was that the two service configuration files (cloud and local) had a different number of Settings.

When he updated the configuration files so that they were in sync it all worked.

A tip would be to use the GUI in Visual Studio to add new settings to both at the same time. The GUI can be accessed by right clicking the web role and selection properties. This should open up a window. Click the Settings tab on the left.

Hope it helps

For me, this was caused by my azure project having been copied from one PC to another (going from Win 7 to Win 8.1 in the process). I am using VS 2013 Community edition on both, but I had upgraded from Azure 2.4 on Win7 to Azure 2.5 on the Win 8.1 machine.

If you unload the azure project and edit the csproj file, you just need to make a small edit (e.g. adding a comment) and save it, so it re-writes itself. This fixed it in my case (where I'd spent ages checking for errors in the CSDEF and CSCFG files). Once I re-saved the csproj file, it worked fine.

i followed all the answers here and it still didnt workeventually i restarted visual studio and it worked.

i believe the solution was the combination of one or more of the answers here + restarting VS