Windows Azure Virtual Machine - Opening a port Windows Azure Virtual Machine - Opening a port azure azure

Windows Azure Virtual Machine - Opening a port

this has changed to this

enter image description here

I would recommend ignoring 100% of what is on google at the moment

Irina, make sure you have configured your endpoint properly by setting the private and public port. Here's a documentation that explains the steps to accomplish this...

Microsoft Azure'shell from here

It's easy via Azure CLI, for example , open port 80

$ az vm open-port -g MyResourceGroup -n MyVm --port 80

Open multiple ports at the same time

az vm open-port -g MyResourceGroup -n MyVm --port 80-100 --priority 100

Open all..

az vm open-port -g MyResourceGroup -n MyVm --port '*'

Pay special attention to this parameter,Must be unique for each rule

--priority : Rule priority, between 100 (highest priority) and 4096 (lowest priority). Must be unique for each rule in the collection. Default: 900.