Accessing bash completions for specific commands programmatically Accessing bash completions for specific commands programmatically bash bash

Accessing bash completions for specific commands programmatically

I don't really know how it works, but the awesome window manager uses the following Lua code for getting access to bash completion's result:

  1. Via complete -p we find complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F _git git. We remember "_git" for later.
  2. The length of "git l" is 5, so we set COMP_COUNT=6. We are completing the first argument to "git", so COMP_CWORD=1.

All together we use the following script:

__print_completions() {    printf '%s\n' "${COMPREPLY[@]}"}# load bash-completion functionssource /etc/bash_completion# load git's completion function_completion_loader gitCOMP_WORDS=(git l)COMP_LINE='git l'COMP_POINT=6COMP_CWORD=1_git__print_completions

Output: "log"

Check in the /etc/bash_completion.d/ directory. This is where the different command completion scripts stay.

Quite an old question, but in the mean time I've implemented a script that handles this to reuse completions with ZSH