apt in Linux Subsystem for Windows 10 is failing with 404 Not Found apt in Linux Subsystem for Windows 10 is failing with 404 Not Found bash bash

apt in Linux Subsystem for Windows 10 is failing with 404 Not Found

For what it's worth: I landed on this SO topic after having a similar issue.

What fixed it for me was to run

sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get upgrade

I guess the repo URLs were too old, even though my Ubuntu was in a recent version.

I just ran into the same thing attempting to install python-pip. According to this article, this happens when you have the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (older) instead of the Creators update (newer). The solution is to either uninstall and re-install Ubuntu, or upgrade it (from 14.04 to 16.04). I found the upgrade to be simple and painless:

sudo do-release-upgrade

To check what you have, before and after via:

lsb_release -a

I had the same problem. Pinging the IP resulted in no response and visiting the website returned a 404.

I found a ppa with most current GCC and registered the PPA and was able to successfully install GCC with it; ppa website. I used GCC to build some software I wanted that was not found with apt-get.

From their page:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/testsudo apt-get update