Bash batch rename files in order Bash batch rename files in order bash bash

Bash batch rename files in order


i=1; for f in *.jpg; do mv "$f" "1-$((i++))-3.jpg"; done

For example, using your file names:

$ lsIMG_20160824_132614.jpg  IMG_20160824_132658.jpg  IMG_20160824_132738.jpg$ i=1; for f in *.jpg; do mv "$f" "1-$((i++))-3.jpg"; done$ ls1-1-3.jpg  1-2-3.jpg  1-3-3.jpg


  1. When expanding *.jpg, the shell lists the files in alphanumeric order. This seems to be what you want. Note, though, that alphanumeric order can depend on locale.

  2. The sequential numbering is done with $((i++)). Here, $((...)) represents arithmetic expansion. ++ simply means increment the variable by 1.