Bash completion for path in argument (with equals sign present) Bash completion for path in argument (with equals sign present) bash bash

Bash completion for path in argument (with equals sign present)

I removed all bash completion scripts and started adding them one by one to if any of them cause the problem.

In my case it turned out to be the npm completion script was the cause of this problem.

Not sure (yet) what the problem is, but this is the completion script which caused equal sign values not working as before:

    ###-begin-npm-completion-###    #    # npm command completion script    #    # Installation: npm completion >> ~/.bashrc  (or ~/.zshrc)    # Or, maybe: npm completion > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/npm    #    COMP_WORDBREAKS=${COMP_WORDBREAKS/=/}    COMP_WORDBREAKS=${COMP_WORDBREAKS/@/}    export COMP_WORDBREAKS    if type complete &>/dev/null; then      _npm_completion () {        local si="$IFS"        IFS=$'\n' COMPREPLY=($(COMP_CWORD="$COMP_CWORD" \                               COMP_LINE="$COMP_LINE" \                               COMP_POINT="$COMP_POINT" \                               npm completion -- "${COMP_WORDS[@]}" \                               2>/dev/null)) || return $?        IFS="$si"      }      complete -F _npm_completion npm    elif type compdef &>/dev/null; then      _npm_completion() {        si=$IFS        compadd -- $(COMP_CWORD=$((CURRENT-1)) \                     COMP_LINE=$BUFFER \                     COMP_POINT=0 \                     npm completion -- "${words[@]}" \                     2>/dev/null)        IFS=$si      }      compdef _npm_completion npm    elif type compctl &>/dev/null; then      _npm_completion () {        local cword line point words si        read -Ac words        read -cn cword        let cword-=1        read -l line        read -ln point        si="$IFS"        IFS=$'\n' reply=($(COMP_CWORD="$cword" \                           COMP_LINE="$line" \                           COMP_POINT="$point" \                           npm completion -- "${words[@]}" \                           2>/dev/null)) || return $?        IFS="$si"      }      compctl -K _npm_completion npm    fi    ###-end-npm-completion-###

Not sure what environment you're in, but on a recent CentOS

complete -D -o default

enables filename completion after a token w/o whitespace as the default. To toggle it in the other direction:

complete -D -o nospace

However, it looks like older versions of the builtin don't have the -D option.

I resolved the same trouble with Ubuntu 12.04 by using need to

  1. download the file wget -O ~/scripts/rake
  2. add to your .bashrc: . ~/scripts/rake

or You can use one of other ways on that page.