Bash, Concatenating 2 strings to reference a 3rd variable Bash, Concatenating 2 strings to reference a 3rd variable bash bash

Bash, Concatenating 2 strings to reference a 3rd variable

The Bash Reference Manual explains how you can use a neat feature of parameter expansion to do some indirection. In your case, you're interested in finding the contents of a variable whose name is defined by two other variables:

server_list_all="server1 server2 server3"var1=servervar2=allcombined=${var1}_list_${var2}echo ${!combined}

The exclamation mark when referring to combined means "use the variable whose name is defined by the contents of combined"

The Advanced Bash Scripting Guide has the answer for you ( You have two options, the first is classic shell:

 #!/bin/bash server_list_all="server1 server2 server3"; var1="server"; var2="all"; server_var="${var1}_list_${var2}" eval servers=\$$server_var; echo $servers

Alternatively you can use the bash shortcut ${!var}

 #!/bin/bash server_list_all="server1 server2 server3"; var1="server"; var2="all"; server_var="${var1}_list_${var2}" echo ${!server_var}

Either approach works.